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Abbey Fellowship in Painting at BSR

I have been awarded an Abbey Fellowship Award for Painting by the British Academy/British School in Rome. This grants a 3 months residency in a studio space at the British School in Rome for a specific project. I am very happy about this opportunity.

Is Art Dead? – ArtLyst

Do artists only create for each other?  Since Hegel, the idea of the end of art has become a staple of aesthetic theory. Will Post Art be the end of art? The concept of “Post Art” was developed by the happening artist Allan Kaprow, based on his idea that life is much more interesting than art, at the expense of art.

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Bergson – Matter and Image

“… realism and idealism both go too far, … it is a mistake to reduce matter to the perception which we have of it, a mistake also to make of it a thing able to produce in us perceptions, but in itself of another nature than they.

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Award of PhD

I was awarded a PhD for my practice-based art research around the notion of ‘aura’ in art at Winchester School of Art,’Distance, however near it may be’: Revisiting ‘Aura’ on the Axis between Painting and Digital Technology within a Deleuzian Framework of ‘Becoming’. The written thesis can be accessed here at eprints University Southampton.